A big shout out to my amazing team, I was super impressed with everyone's talent, drive, and collaborative spirit!
Team IDK:)
Programmers: Michael Boal, Emmaline Kelly, Kevin Annen
Artists: Randy Field, Madeline Urback , Gerry Tucker, Brianne Almalvez
Animation: Neko Pilarcik-Tellez
Designers: Matthew Lopez, Maxwell Brady
Sound Design: Maxwell Brady, Gerry Tucker
Sound designs taken from freesounds.org, edited from original content from the following users: qubodup, mattj99, movingplaid, cydon, leszek-szary, motion-s, mmaruska, madamvicious, shadydave, honorhunter, inspectorj, sirkoto51, kfatehi, deathscyp, greenvwbeetle, hullum, vsokorelos, and breviceps